Sunday, January 4, 2015

Baby Update (Gender Reveal)

A Baby Update!

Daniel and I are having a girl!  We are expecting her in February of this year (2015) and are beyond excited!  I am thrilled to be able to share this experience with all of you.  This being our first born child (the other two being adopted) we are still learning and on the route to being parents of a newborn.

Stay tuned for more updates on our pregnancy as our delivery date inches closer!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Under Arrest?

For those of you who know me personally this may come as a shock to you.  I, Coralie Iona, was handcuffed and put in the back of a police car and taken to  jail.  Being pregnant there was not much I could do.  
Nonetheless, here is my story

While on Skype with some family members I wanted to head over to a Roleplay sim and get a simple check up at the clinic to make sure my pregnancy was going well.  There were others currently in the waiting room to which I began to talk to, a gentleman with a newborn and a woman by the name of Violet.  After some time, there was some commotion to be heard coming from inside the office.  At that point a woman who appeared to be pregnant stormed out, leaving the man (presumed to be her partner) and the doctor behind.

Myself, being well me.. I began to chase her from street to street trying to catch up with her in order to ask if she was alright.  When she finally came to a halt she was slightly unhappy with the fact that I had followed her so far and stated that no she was not alright but thanked me for asking.  As she went on her way I was a bit confused but turned around to head back to the clinic.  As I turned around a massive black car came to a halt in the road coming inches from plowing into me.  As I stepped away and said my apologizes the driver took off without a word.

In a bit of a daze at the dramatic event that just took place, I stepped over near a curb and began breathing deep in an effort to comfort myself.  Then as I look up I notice a black SUV pull over to the side of the road.  As two officers stepped out onto the pavement, they began to near me.  They had noticed me in a bit of a panic and wanted to check to make sure I was alright.  As I was explaining to them the situation at hand, a woman in a short dress and no shoes (mind you there is snow on the ground and it is winter) began walking toward us.  It was indeed the woman from the clinic, Violet.  

As she approached you could feel the trouble brewing in the air.  She was quite upset at the officers for some reason (may have been that time of month.. not quite sure.)  Any who, she started using foul language toward one of the officers and they began to both getting slightly tense and frustrated.  As it was clearly cold outside she was looking out for me (being pregnant) and asked if a Salvation Army was near by to grab some jackets from to keep warm.  Only then one of the officers went into his vehicle and retrieved two jackets and handed them to each of us.  While putting mine on I heard some noise from behind.  As I turned around I noticed Violet looking in the pockets and pulling our a white powder substance in a small baggie.

My eyes began to grow wide as I put two and two together.  Violet cleared her throat and looked toward the officers asking if since the jacket was given to her she could keep its contents.  When the officers looked up toward her and noticed the baggie they told her she would have to hand that over to them.  She took the jacket off, handed it to the officers, opened the baggie and swallowed its substances whole.  At that the head officer stated that she was under arrest.

As if it could be just so easy.  

Us all being on foot, Violet took off in means to escape the officer who was now on her tale.  An officer and I remained standing in a total loss of words to what had just happened.  As insane as it may seem, he said "Well, I guess I will just continue where I left off.  So Ma'am what happened with the black car?"  In a sort of surprise at the officers calm tone I could not help myself but to laugh at the situation.  As I tried to explain to him in minimal details,  I saw the officer running after Violet on the hill behind us.  Asking if we could please head in that direction in he kept claiming he could not do that.  So finally, I said that if he had anymore questions to contact me and I made my way up the hill and toward the church they had ran into. 

Once I was finally able to make my way up the hill and into the church I noticed Violet on the floor beginning to convulse.  In shock and fear I asked the officer whom had been after her what exactly was happening and he said she was having a reaction to the large amount of drugs she had just ingested, he had confirmed my fears.  At that I became even more frantic and began shaking his shoulders to do something.  Looking down I noticed a bit of blood to which caused my knees to go out and my world to go black.
After a few moments I began to stir back up.  The officers were in a panic because there were no emergency personnel anywhere nearby.  Once one of the officers noticed me, he extended his hand toward me and helped me onto my feet and into a church pew.  As I began to cry due to the high emotion level in the room I asked to step outside for a moment and get some air.  An officer escorted me out and sat with me on the church steps.  Before I could even figure out what to say commotion became string inside once more.  When I peeked back up into the church, I noticed that Violet had awaken.

Both I and the officer got onto our feet and headed back inside to check up on her.  They both helped her on her feet and she began to come back to what was happening.  Being higher than a kite, she began to be disgustingly rude to the officers and once more, took off out of the church and down the road.  This time I was not going to remain standing and wait for the cop who was not in pursuit to figure out what was happening so I high tailed it out and followed them.

Finally, after what seemed like forever they began to come to a halt in front of a large blue farm house.  (Violet then crashed hard and I was left alone)  The officer who was a bit behind finally pulled up and told ME that I was under arrest.  While I was in shock and confused, I put my hands behind my back as I was read my rights and placed in the back of the SUV.  Once I asked what exactly I was under arrest for, the officer said that I was trespassing and signs were posted.  Not a single sign did I see.  

(Violet had now come back)

They then told her that she was also under arrest.  Being Violet she was willing to cause a bit more trouble and when asked if she understood her rights she said that she did not and needed them read once more.  After the officer read them to her once more, she to was placed in the back of the police car next to me.

This actually happened to me just last night.
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Goocci Goo- Inside the Zooby clothing affiliate empire

A Zooby Baby Clothing Affiliate, one of an overwhelming amount.  In my opinion however, one of the very best in all of Secondlife.

The talented owner Trace Coberts gave me an inside look on the thriving business that she created out of a love for creation and Zooby babies alike.  Currently Goocci Goo is home to nearly 500 outfits created specifically for the Zooby babies.  Each normal priced outfit is only 130L which is lower than most competition around the grid.  Each week there are new bargains set at 80L which are placed on hangers in the front of the store typically four for each gender, each of which takes around an hour to create.

Trace herself has been in Secondlife for five years in April, however a little over two years ago she had no idea that prim babies where even an option within Secondlife until she stumbled across Zooby babies for the first time, at that point she realized that you could create clothing for them and has been creating ever since.

When speaking with Trace it was apparent that she has not allowed the success of her business get ahold of who she is as a person.  She spoke to me on a personal level and was overjoyed to answer questions to be presented in this post.  Allowing each of you an inside look on the background her Goocci Goo.

You may have noticed two special outfits placed next to the bargains rack.  These are more than just outfits to Trace because they represent a terrible loss that could have been avoided.  They are living memorials of her very own Real Life daughter.  The following message is posted along with the outfit.

"On October 4, 2014 I lost my Daughter due to the negligence of someone texting and driving.  Please be responsible when driving.. No text message is worth yours or another ones life!  This Dress Was Made In Remembrance of My Loving Daughter Who Will Be Greatly Missed."

Not only was the life of a young 25 year old taken at a whim but that life of a four year old little girl was also changed forever.

It is my goal not only to share the wonderful success of Goocci Goo but also to bring awareness to outcomes of a simple text while you are behind the wheel.

No text message is worth a life.

In Remembrance of Katelyn

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Generic Introduction and Pop Quiz!

Hello Dear Readers!

Before I dig into introducing myself and who exactly I am, here is a question for you to ponder while you read.

Pop Quiz!

Secondlife is to me.....
A) The Heaven and Earth to all beings!
B) An addictive bottomless pit with no way out.
C) Just a hobby.
D) My next therapy appointment topic.
E) A mix of pretty much all those

(Posting your answer below is encouraged!)

Incase you were wondering, I would have to go with a distorted and buckled mix of all four choices.

If you haven't guessed and didn't get the link from Secondlife..... This is a Secondlife based Blog!  Surprise!  This being said, it may be prone to a few off topic and pure expression based posts.  I figure the best way to let y'all know who I am is to answer some pretty generic questions so here goes-

My name is Coralie Emery Iona (coralieiona) that would be pronounced Cora-lie (the E is silent.)  The rezz date on file for this avatar is 4/17/2014 but as you may have guessed I have been a Secondlife resident for quite a few years now.  I am currently a mother to two beautiful adopted Zooby babies to whom you may be seeing a lot of.  My fiancee and I are also expecting a little baby in February 2015.  As most in Secondlife I have a passion for shopping and finding the best deals out there, intact I like to refer to myself as The Deal Scoper (I am honestly not sure scoper is even a real word..but whatever)  Lately however I have been dabbling in the art of creation with the opening of my own store, Bean Blocks, to which furniture and decor for babies is sold (some are even Zooby scripted.) I am also engaged to a wonderful man (Drekthol) to which as been a huge influence to create Glaucous Dusk and express myself for who I am and who I growing to become each and every day.

Anywho, I think that is enough of me for now.  Please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me inworld if you have any comments or suggestions.  I am beyond excited and thank you all for being apart of this next step in my Secondlife journey.